Is a hen weekend really a party without some fun hen party games? Absolutely not! Whether you're the Maid of Honour or the bride-to-be herself, you want to make sure the hen party is nothing short of spectacular and creates some unforgettable memories.

So, what better way to do that than with some of the best hen party games? From naughty to nice, we've got you covered with 10 of the best games for hen parties!
So grab a glass (or a bottle) of bubbly and let's dive into some fun ways you can get the bridal party going.
1. The Mr & Mrs | Mrs & Mrs Game

What better way to kick off the list than with this classic hen party game? It's time to test the bride-to-be's knowledge of her other half!
To play, you'll need a list of quiz questions (we suggest about 20) and a video recording device (your trusty smartphone will work just fine). Before the party, make sure to ask the groom or other bride the quiz questions and record their answers.
When the big night arrives, it's time to break out your best game show impressions and put the bride-to-be in the hot seat. Will their answers match up? If they do, celebrate with a cheer and round of applause. But if they don't, it's time for a forfeit - and we're talking creative here, ladies! The forfeit could be a shot, an embarrassing confession, or a hilarious dare.
For maximum entertainment, consider doing a fun slideshow with videos of the other half's answers. It's a great way to keep the entire hen party entertained!
2. Prosecco Pong

Ladies, if you're a fan of bubbly, this hen party game is for you! This fun spin on the classic beer pong game is the ultimate way to add some class (or chaos) to your celebration.
Grab 12 plastic cups (we recommend pink plastic champagne glasses for added oomph) and a ping pong ball. Split your hen party guests into two teams and set up your table with six cups on each end. Fill up the cups with your favourite bottle of bubbly and get those competitive juices flowing!
Now, we're sure you've played beer pong before (who hasn't?) and the rules of prosecco pong are just the same. The aim of the game is to throw the ping pong ball and have it land in one of the opposing team's cups. For every successful throw, the opposing team will have to chug that glass of prosecco.
This is the perfect hen party game to get the bride-to-be and all her hens excited (and a little tipsy) before the night out!
And if you want a booze-free bash, this game can be played with non-alcoholic drinks as well.
3. Pin the Trunks on the Hunk

Looking for a hilarious and slightly cheeky hen party game? Then Pin the Trunks on the Hunk game is perfect. Putting this game together requires a little bit of DIY but we guarantee you'll get some laughs!
Before the big night, print out a large photo of the bride's partner (or even her celebrity crush) in an A3 size. Then, glue it to a thick piece of cardboard and cut around the picture to create a life-size cut-out. Create a separate cut-out of a pair of trunks and you're ready to go!
At the hen party, stick the hunky cut-out on the wall and get each guest to take a turn (blindfolded, of course) pinning the trunks on the hunk. For an extra round of laughs, spin each blindfolded player around a few times (or get them to down a quick shot) and let the chaos commence!
This hen party game is a great icebreaker and is sure to have all the hens in stitches!
4. Hen Scavenger Hunt

If you and your hen party happen to find yourself in the city for the big night, a scavenger hunt is one of the best hen party games to play. It's time to gather your gaggle, split them into teams, and send them on a wild goose chase (or hen hunt, if you prefer).
The aim of the game is to track down a list of items before anyone else. These items could be anything from a photo of someone who looks like the bride's partner, to the task of getting a piggyback ride from a stranger.
Once a team has found everything on the list, they must race to the finish line - we suggest a nearby bar. The losing team buys the winning team a round of congratulatory drinks! Or you could spice it up and make the losing team do a hilarious forfeit or dare.
5. Never Have I Ever

Get ready to find out all the juicy secrets about your hen party guests with the classic hen party drinking game, Never Have I Ever. Without a doubt, one of the simplest yet most hilarious hen party games.
Gather your hens in a circle and take turns sharing something you've never done before, starting with the phrase "Never have I ever..." If you have done whatever action, take a sip of bubbly and prepare for some intense questing from your hen party. With each round, the questions get juicier and the admissions get crazier - it's always the quiet ones!
So, grab a drink (or a few) and get ready to spill the tea. Have you ever been skinny dipping? Used someone else's toothbrush? Or stalked an ex's new partner on social media? Ideas for this game are endless!
The bride-to-be will surely love this game and it's a great way to get to know all the other hens at the party! Plus, you can also play this game without alcohol!
6. Toilet Paper Couture

Another classic hen party game, the toilet paper wedding dress game is the perfect opportunity to show off your inner designer and get the bride-to-be giggling.
Gather your hens, split them into teams, and pick your "bride". Grab a jumbo pack of bog rolls and let the race begin! You have a limited amount of time to create the most fabulous wedding dress possible using only toilet paper, tape, and any extra decorations you can find.
Once the timer is up, it's showtime. Each team gets to present their "masterpiece" and explain the inspiration behind their design. And don't worry, the real bride-to-be will be the judge, so don't forget to bribe her with some bubbly or treats.
You can take this hen party game to the next level with a hilarious forfeit, like making the losing team wear their toilet paper wedding dress for the rest of the night. You might get some silly looks while you're out, but at least you won't have to worry if the club bathroom is out of toilet paper!
7. Play-doh Pictionary

We may try to keep it clean and classy when it comes to hen party games, but let's be honest - after a few drinks, we're not above indulging in a round or two of some naughty hen party games! Who can resist a little bit of risqué fun with some silly Hen Party Pictionary?
For this game, you'll need a pack of Play-doh and some pieces of paper with the names of objects on them. You can write down naughty words (we already know what you're thinking) or, if you prefer to keep it classy, write down the name of things that would be super difficult (and hilarious) to sculpt.
Split your hens into two teams. Then, a member from each team steps forward for each round, where they'll be shown a piece of paper with the name of an object on it. They must then stand back-to-back facing their teams and have a minute to create the object with Play-doh for their team to guess.
Once time is up, whichever team guesses correctly wins the point!
8. How Well Do You Know the Bride?

If you're looking for free hen party games for your hen weekend, this is perfect. You don't need any special equipment or props, just a sheet of questions for each guest.
Type up a sheet of 20 questions and mix it up - some obvious, some funny, and some deep. Keep it general and avoid tailoring the game where you know all the answers. You can even add a cute design to your printed copies.
When the hen party is in full swing, hand out the question sheets for the hen party guests to fill in or you could turn it into a sit-down quiz to answer in real time. Once everyone has answered the question it's time to bring the bride-to-be up front and ask her the questions. As she answers, guests can mark their sheets.
Whoever has the most correct answers gets a special treat and bragging rights that they know the bride best!
9. Cocktail-Making Challenge

Let's shake things up (pardon the pun) with this fun and classy hen party game. Whether you're a seasoned mixologist or a complete newbie, this hen party game is sure to bring some excitement to the bride-to-be's celebration.
To get started, set up a cocktail station with all the necessary ingredients and garnishes. Encourage the hens to get creative with their concoctions - you can even make them themed with funny names - and see who can make the best hen party cocktail (or mocktail).
To keep costs down, split the price of alcohol and mixers amongst the group. Don't forget to bring along any cocktail kits you have. And be careful not to overdo it on the mixing - we want Instagram-worthy cocktails, not a hangover!
Once the cocktails are made, the bride-to-be can rate each one or choose the winner based on the yummiest-tasting cocktail. This game is the perfect way to add some healthy competition to your hen party and create some memorable (and slightly tipsy) moments with the bride tribe!
10. Who Am I?

Are you looking for a classic hen party game to break the ice? Yes? Then add the old favourite "Who Am I?" game to your hen party itinerary. It's light-hearted, hilarious, and guaranteed to get everyone mingling and chatting away in no time.
Here's how this fun game works: each of your hen party guests will be given a card (you can use a Post-it note) with the name of someone to wear on their forehead. It could be someone famous or a fictional character everyone knows. Make sure to hide the name on the Post-it note before sticking it to the player's forehead.
Now it's time to play! You can either have the guests mingle, asking questions to one another as to who they are, or you could all sit together and go around in a circle doing one question each.
The goal is to guess your character in as few questions as possible. The answer to each question can only be a simple "yes" or "no". For example, "Am I a singer?" or, "Am I a man?" The best part is that you can keep playing with other hens once you've guessed your character.
What are the best classy hen party games?
Some classy hen party games include the Mr and Mrs/Mrs and Mrs Quiz, How Well Do You Know the Bride, and a cocktail-making challenge. The great thing about hen party games is that they're easy to tone down or spice up as much as you want. You can even take a daring game and upgrade it with a generous dollop of sophistication - it's up to you!
What are the best hen party games for a small group?
There are plenty of fun hen party games that work well for smaller hen parties. Hen games like Prosecco Pong, Never Have I Ever, and Hen Scavenger Hunt can all be played with a small group.